
NAWKI // 12øcollective
NAWKI or ‘not as we know it’ began last year, with the intention to experiment with the art fair model, each iteration shifts its focus to a different framework with a selection of arts organisation/spaces across the UK invited to participate, resulting in a cross organisation collaborative outcome.
This year the fair will take the form of an artist film screening, experimenting with a platform specifically for digital, time-based works, where the shows constraints are responsive to the medium, becoming primarily durational, opposed to physical.
Each organisation is contributing a segment of artists digital and video work that will be compiled to make a two hour long showcase, with each slot as the organisations respective ‘exhibition’.
The resulting video was screened simultaneously at every participating space throughout the UK at 18:30 on the 13th July 2017.
CBS's segment will include work by Jack Fisher and Foodsketz (Alison Clare & Cat Smith), curated and edited by Dan Mahony.
Other participating organisations:
Eastside Projects ESP
Focal Point Gallery
Ladette Space
Limbo Limbo
The White Pube